Shanghai Softball League Visiting UP Clinic 壘球上海來優複門診作客
壘球上海(ShanghaiSoftball League)從1991成立,成立之初隻有5支隊伍。如今已有超過10支優秀的壘球隊伍,球員來自不同文化背景,遍布世界各地,齊聚上海,每個賽季比賽都會在SCSC運動場地舉行。優複門診很榮幸成爲壘球上海的獨家醫療贊助。
The SSL(Shanghai Softball League) established in 1991 with only 5 teams made up of Western and Asian Expats. The league currently has 10+ teams and their games are played at the SCSC Sports Field. UPClinic is also very fortunate to be the exclusive medical sponsor of ShanghaiSoftball League.
We were pleased to invite all SSL captains to UP Clinic on May 11th, 2019. They were introduced to our service and had met with all our expert team.
治療師們給隊長們體驗了一系列優複門診的恢複項目服務:Theragun, Normatec, GameReady等等,并紛紛稱贊這裏的設施齊全,儀器先進。
Our physiotherapists had demonstrated and explained a series of recovery treatment modalities we provided, for example: Theragun, Normatec, GameReady and etc. They were pleased and satisfied with the facilities from UP Clinic.
感謝壘球上海所有的隊員們。希望他們在賽場馳騁, 攜手共赢。
Thank to every single league member forbeing here with UP Cliinic on May 11th. We are committed to providingthe best services and treatments possible, and we wish Shanghai Softball Leagueall the very best for the future.
本篇文章來源于微信公衆号: 上海優複門診部