手法治療/Manual Therapy Technique
手法治療通過松動關節,結締組織和神經組織來改善人體生物力學,對于疼痛症狀有立竿見影的效果。手法治療不僅能改善軟組織粘連,減少液體和營養素交換抑制,降低關節僵硬與痛感,還可以提升組織健康和活動度,減少疤痕,以及減少肌肉和筋膜緊張,對于日常活動受限,疼痛反複發作,以及藥物治療無效的病患尤其适合。UP Clinic使用美國ARTH方法技術,包括:Maitland, Mulligan,肌筋膜減壓,IASTM筋膜刀等。
Manual therapy is a highly skilled, hands-on approach which aims to improve normal body biomechanics by eliminating both the restrictions from soft tissue and stiff joints. The patient therefore receives instant improvement in movement, alignment and pain. The benefits of manual therapy address soft tissue adhesions, reducing inhibitions of fluids and nutrient exchange, decreasing joint stiffness and pain, improving tissue health and increasing mobility, reducing scar tissue formation, treating trigger points and decreasing muscle tightness and connective tissue such as fascia. UP Clinic uses the USA ARTH Method techniques including: Maitland,Mulligan, Myofascial Decompression, and IASTM. Manual therapy is especially important for those who suffer from restricted movement and pain, which are not relieved from medications or help from other health professionals.